Despite this there have been many varied and exceedingly well done comics with cautionary tales of environmental distress and misuse. Ironically printed on paper, when our ever dwindling resource is necessary not just to make fine books but to keep air in our lungs.
Within the industry there has also been initiatives over the years to offset and mitigate the deforesting and destruction of Mama Earth. The foresight shown by some publishers is both thoughtful and promising. Dark Horse was the first to offer some books on wholly recycled papers and now virtually all the books you get have some measure of reused or recycled paper fibers being used.
Many comics, notably all DC publications carry a certification from
The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification which oversees forestry worldwide to
maintain sustainability of our worldwide natural resources.
To further explore the ecological aspect of the ecological world as viewed through the comic book prism take a look at the suggestions below. You'll find some of the best and brightest creators in the art form producing some of their finest works, because they believe in the message.

The whole of the family and their community are inseperable from the land they live on, the water they work
Paul Chadwick's tale of a man trapped in a rock body trying to reconnect with the world he previously ignored. His journey to feel alive and human again sees him cross the globe many times: he climbs Everest, scours the Ocean Depths, works on a farm, wanders the Pacific North West and even joins activist group Earth First! as a means to better the world.

DC's Swamp Thing, originally a simple Frankenstein type horror character transformed under the deft workings of Alan Moore. His re-imagining saw the series mature into a highly intelligent socially and environmentally conscious book.
Stories dealing with corporate negligence nuclear waste, chemical dumpings and poisoned land became central themes. A naturalistic approach to the art, featuring almost entirely organic shapesas well as the general health of the biosphere.

The far spanning and long running series of Bande Designees finally saw a complete English collection just last year.
Michael Zulli's Puma Blues was a massive achievement in terms of both it's message and Zulli's unmatched rendering of natural environs and fantastic fauna.
Stephen Murphy's script and poetry create a cautionary and remorseful tale of our world being poisoned by industry and unfettered human expansion throughout the globe.
Environmental awareness also creeps into comics in subtler forms.
Hiyao Miyazaki's Nausicaa: Valley of the Wind displays a wonder and love of the natural world.
While new books like ICHI-F , chronicling the Fukishima show the cost of our ecological errors.
Josh Neufeld's AD:New Orleans After Deluge expressed a different kind of environmental destruction that also makes for good comics.
Publishers Weekly have also put out a solid list of environmentally themed graphic novels and comics for your further enjoyment and information.
All of these and more are available to you at Worlds Collide Comics.
But you already knew that, didn't you?
And hey, it's our planet, take care of it!