Friday, July 11, 2014

gone FISCHing

 reading SCOOBY DOO TEAM-UP to my son i noticed the name attributed to the author,
 i'd seen it before in the pages of the recent ACTION COMICS but hadn't given it a second thought.
at first it sounded too cliche, an all too  stereotypical NooYawk/Jersey name that woulda fit right in tight with Shelly Meyer, Jules Schwartz and all those Americanised Jewish names that seemingly most of Comicdom worked under in the Golden and Silver ages.
 Jacob Kurtzberg's ghost was calling.....

due to the overwhelmingly well written tale that featured not just the MYSTERY INC. gang and The BATMAN, it also featured 60's relic and 5th dimensional imp BATMITE.  there were so many well executed nods and tips of the hat to comics and teevee of yesteryear and the unabashed love of BATMITE got me intrigued.
 i sought to discover more of this writer's work and found some confounding information about his contributions to comics and beyond.

 as my conspiratory thinking got really cookin', could this be just Grant Morrison, the Mad Mage of DC simply spreading his wings under another moniker? he's used many styles and written just about every type of story under the sun, not to mention a few about multiple personalities so i figured that Mr. Fisch's byline in the back pages of a Morrison mag might be reasonable....
 so into the digital waters i dove....

 turns out that Scholly Fisch is a real and terrific human being completely separate from Grant Morrison. tho Morrison was instrumental in getting the good man on the Action Comics gig.

 nonetheless his comics resume is extensive tho relatively low profile.
he's put pen to many a DCU title ALL NEW BATMAN, SCOOBY-DOO WHERE ARE YOU?
 he's also written a litany of other titles and stories for other publishers: MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN for IDW and
WHAT IF?, WHAT THE? MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS and  MARVEL AGE for that other company whose name i just typed thrice so i need not repeat it.
the guy's being writing comics for 25years and i didn't notice until about two years back.

i was floored.

his dedication and devotion to children and their development is a revelation and boon.
not to mention they're some really fun and good reads.

 meet Dr Shalom Fisch PhD,
Developmental Psychologist and former Vice President for Program Research Sesame Workshop, President and Founder of MediaKidz .
 he has also penned multiple essays, examinations and treatises on children's education such as  Children's Learning from Educational Television: Sesame Street and Beyond and G IS FOR GROWING which collected studies on sesame streets effect on kids.

 ya getta load of that!

oh ya, and this month CATWOMAN 29 is scripted by .....
so go check that out or some SCOOBY-DOO TEAM UP.|
it's well worth your time.

and here's a bunch more links to trace the good Doctor's history: